Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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The ring

here the one ring, I consider him an enemy because he does everything to get his master's finger. cest one of the worst enemy of the film.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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Here Sauron after being destroyed by Isildur. I know it can really do anything but as his story about his servant to get his ring.

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after Sauron Sauron before

Here Sauron before that is done by destroying Ilsildur during the war to free the land of the community.

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Section enemy important

This part of the blog will show you the enemies who were important film

Thank You's For Wedding Programs

Lady Galadriel Elrond

Lady Galadriel is an elf head but very nice when she wants she can be nasty. it is like the narrator of the film but it is present. It helps Frodo in his vision to put it on the right path.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

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Lord Elrond is a great guerrier.Il he was three thousand years when Sauron was on two legs. He is very attached to Arwen and he loves because his daughter.

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Eomer son of Théhoden. This great warrior is a fearsome warrior he descended a Elephant fifty feet high. He is the brother of Eowyn Eowyn but think it will never become a great warrior but Eowyn is now a large guerrirere.

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Téhoden King of Rohan and Lord of horses. King of the Great fought the battle in Helm's Deep and I won. but he died in the great war against the Witch King Minastérite of Angmar a formidable opponent.

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Arwen Eomer Eowyn

You will not find attractive. Here Arwen daughter of Lord Elrond. Arwen is very in love with Aragorn. The story on him to defeat Sauron.

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Eowyn is a very attractive woman and girl Téhoden of Rohan, she is the sister of Eomer who is a great warrior.
good warrior is the first woman to go to war, and beat the Witch King of Angmar's most powerful servant of Sauron. She is in love with Aragorn, but it's impossible because love Arwen Aragorn.

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Faramir Boromir

Faramir Captain of Gondor and brother Boromir.Ce great captain is protected against Gondor's army of Sauron quil but failed during the Great guerre.Son Dénetor father wanted him whatsoever who has died instead of Boromir.

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Boromir is a great fighter he defeated an army of Houroukaiy to him and with the band but at the end of the battle against Boromir dies Luhzt Houroukaiy leader and elite archer.

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Pipin him his best friend's cousin Merry and Frodo also has always wanted to go to war but it took him that défent Minastérite the castle of the king of Middle Earth.

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Here Merry, Merry loves to fight al Epe is the best friend of Pipin. Merry has always wanted to go to war and his wish was achieved thanks to Rohan with Eowyn.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

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Sat GAMGI is the best friend of Frodo. Sam is good to handle an EPA although it is small. Sat mort.Sam without Frodo would be the first to have the challenge that keeps laraignée enter the tower.

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Here its a hobbit Frodo. cest he who must bear up to the Two Towers mordor in the flame of destiny. his best friend is gamgi Sat.

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Frodo Gandalf Gimli

Gandalf is a wizard. cest thanks to him that Gondor has won the war would be lost without it. He is good friends with the hobbits. If it ect would not tou moria in the world would have been dead and he alone has fought and won against the Balrog.

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Gimli is a dwarf. He is courageous but very little nothing down not even a troll. Gimli does not like many elves sometimes it's not agreement but will do its best friends in the world

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Legolas is an elf. It is a very good archer almost nothing escapes him. He accompanies Aragorn and the others in their journey to defeat Sauron.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maxine Cartoon Birthday Greeting

Aragorn Legolas

Feeds Aratorn descendant of Isildur. One of the last descendant of Numenor man blessed with a long life, it can live 250 years.

is a very strong fighter and very agile with sword. Later he will married with Arwen daughter of the lord of Rivendell.

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Welcome in the universe

Hi all.

In this blog you will read things about me, the lord of the rings and lots of stuff. Yes I know it's outdated but I still love ...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Church 2nd Anniversary Letter

Night closure of Asgard

All good things come to an end! It was time to move on, all that to say that Thursday, August 28, 2008 from 19h we will sell the remaining inventory at deflated prices: 40/50%
thus closing night, again this Thursday 28 and there are still some things to sell we will open Friday; hope you will be more or fewer.

this will surely be my last post

Inquisitor Archivist Odin
Archive 28-08-2008, Terra; Rouen Asgard Pub-Class File

( sample rate: beer bottle tt € 2, € 1.30 pressure, alcohol 1.50 / 2 € ...)

Ps: More credit card

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lorraine Hansberry Timeline

Summer holidays

Asgard pub will be closed from August 9 to August 21.

Inquisitor Odin Soon unemployed lol
ps seeks photos of ePol, scalp'Hell, Ode to decay thank you

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Overactive Thyroid More Condition_symptoms

Reminder: Friday metal concert has 3 groups

This Friday we can get that 3 groups of Metal: Death Scalp'Hell and his unbridled, ePol young group of Heavy / Thrash rising and Ode to Decay of Black Metal