Monday, May 26, 2008

Pityriasis Rosea In Miami

Reminder: Saturday, May 31 concert Alice The Goon and The missing

us this Saturday, May 31 at the Asgard Pub Rock groups, The Missing and Alice The Goon just so many! 8:30 p.m.

PF 5 €

Collodial Silver And Mold

concert last Saturday: Funkyfarmers / Part of peace

So we spent a very pleasant evening with group Proportion of Peace and Funkyfarmers.
very Evening groovy funky with sixty currieux to groove on their music.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wedding Program Styles For 2009

Concert Saturday, May 17 punk rock / blues

This Saturday concert al `orientation punk rock / blues rock with Nono future and Vintage Blues Band.

Paf 5 euros (conso *) as `s Hab.

Lord Odin

Herniated Disc Condition_symptoms

Reminder Tomorrow Thursday, May 15 evening JDR

Registration for the evening role-playing with tomorrow `s 4/5euros Assosa SHA
games available in principle: Chtulhu, cops, vampire, INS (in nomed satan)

Disposable Overshoes Toronto

Nebulous / Frenesy

We had the pleasure of `accommodate 52 people for the first concert Nebulous and people were there to encourage them, after a little different artistic Cross Damage` s so Frenesy who took notes , thank you to Cross grooming `s staying.
j `I appreciated the Group Nebulous especially their song mixed with the noise of the ocean, only the B mol set too short hop guys went to my local extension of all this 20 mins;)

Biggest Shark Recorded

Photos Vicious Mind

Monday, May 5, 2008

Darmowy Hosting Bez Reklam Php Mail

Oye Oye! Photos

So here's day super mini festoch, that's all good, everyone was happy at first sight, me, no major problem has deplored (not break ... everyone has good c) set aside may be three crazy heat in their window lol.

So here in the day we had 138 people. I want to thank the groups on one hand, without whom nothing would have been no possible, so thank you to ePol, Scalp Hell Ode to Decay, Beyond, Herkainn, Equynox and Nico for her.

A big thank you to those who have loaned their stuff, jp, barbous, Yeti, nico, polo shirt, stoner.
ePol: first concert for them, I speak for myself, jai really enjoyed the recapture of Rammstein and Amon Amarth and Slayer least one hook (normal key is not a Slayer!)

Scalp Hell: Finally they play at home, I had been able to discover the boat just as effective and Loic that shook the walls lol.

Ode to Decay: A group of Le Havre who made the trip to serve their well-developed black metal.

Beyond: Finally back admits j `s probably my favorite band in the region. The good old heavy with al old warrior spirit, everyone let go and it is c good? lol

Herkainn: kings of jovial nag at work all this served well chilled then you like, brutal and efficient as a I think their habit.

Equynox: several times that they are still effective ALTHOUGH `a skyscraper in less experienced c I find, JP The Left always lol! ptit concern over the resumption of Panthera it seems.

Lord Odin