Thursday, September 30, 2010


Monday, September 20, 2010

Writing A Cover Letter To A Tanning Bed

Associations Forum 2010 has Garges les Gonesse

Our President Association CALL: Jean-Luc BARBU

An animation: makeup was done by our booth Deborah, Nella, Sylvia .

Mayor Maurice Lefevre, honored us with his presence, by spending a few minutes on each stand.

Interviewed by the host of the event day, I able to present the various activities offered by our cultural association: CALL

We wanted a booth to present our association: CALL
A ction P OpulAire P o the E ducation and L ecreation

On a beautiful day Saturday, September 18, 2010 was held on the Association Forum on the Place de l'hotel City Garges les Gonesse.

Many associations had responded to this event to honor this fall. We thank all of the Municipal Technical Team for the tremendous work they have done to allow this day to be going well, not to mention the mayor Maurice Lefevre and his team.