Saturday, July 17, 2010

South Park Episodes Fishsticks

Day Picnic at Lake Sarcelles SDV

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and in adversity is a brother. [...]
Psalms 25:14
The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and his alliance directed them. [...]
Exodus 34:21
You will work six days, and you shall rest on the seventh day thou shalt rest, even in plowing time and harvest. [...]
We were richly blessed during that day.
Our Pastor Jean-Luc BEARDED, we called and everyone could share his faith during this exchange. Our friendships were strengthened and others created. referenda My Shepherd: Jean-Luc and my friend Alain.
Awakened by a call ,.... Oohhh

While Jean-Lebrun is taking a nap .....

Anglade and Nabi, playing shot on goal ...

I will not tell you who won??

Nabi playing with his son ...

What a good father!

Our Pastor Jean-Luc BEARDED, did us the honor of his presence?
We thoroughly exchanged and shared on various topics of the Word of God. It was very edifying.
Thank you Lord Jesus for everything.

A table!

We bless you Lord for this meal, all these dishes, the beautiful weather and the presence of loved ones who were able to come.

Jean-Alain Lebrun and my friend took care of the grill ..
Sara MAGNE, radiant

Sylvie and her mother ...
Nella the phone, and Frederica's mother Sylvia discussed in
the "VIP Lounge"

Arrival of Nabi, his wife and Frederique and her children.

Arrival of Jean-Lebrun and Anglade

Arrival of my brother and friend Alain. Present, from 6:20 am to reserve the best location.
We took a little rest until the first beloved.
The temperature was cool we had to cover.
By beautiful day Saturday, July 17, 2010, our Lord Jesus gave us a very pleasant moment exponents at Teal Lake during a Picnic.


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