Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Polyp Uterus More Condition_symptoms

- Can we follow him there? ...


Photo: provided to Andre Lavoie - St. Pachomius - Thanks!
Here's good news for today ...

Not always easy to follow ...

(Mark 10.32-45) - The disciples were traveling with Jesus up to Jerusalem, Jesus before them, they were frightened, and those who followed were also in awe. Taking again the Twelve with him, he began to tell them what would happen to him: "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, they will condemn him to death, they deliver him to the Gentiles, they will laugh at him, they spit upon him, and flog and kill, and three days after he will rise. "Jacques and John, the son of Zebedee, came to Jesus and tell him:" Teacher, we want you to hear our request. He said: "What would you like I do for you? They replied: "Grant us to sit, one at your right and the other at your left in your glory. "Jesus said to them:" You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink, receive baptism in which I'll be dipped? "They told him:" We can. He answers: "The cup that I drink, you drink, and the baptism in which I'll be dipped, you will receive. But to sit at my right or my left is not mine to grant, there are those for whom these places are prepared. "The other ten had heard, and they were indignant against Jacques and John. Jesus calls them and tells them: "You know: those that are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it their great ones make their authority felt. Among you there must not be so. Whoever wants to become great will be your servant. Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all: for the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many. "

To help our thinking ...

1. Shock therapy.
The words of Jesus shocked his disciples. They were both amazed and in awe, and probably confused it is also difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven. And yet, Mark, the evangelist, tells something wonderful: Jesus went before them. Yes, it is ahead of us. He leads us as a leader led his troops into battle. The fact that Jesus will suffer before they announced everything calms their fears.

2. Let us rise to the event.
Here we have an interesting scene. Jesus announces his coming passion and death. Realizing that this means that his kingdom is about to happen, and Jean Jacques make a strange request. Dazed, dazzled and fearful at the time, attracted by the road that will take Christ, they ask that they be allowed to sit one on his right and one to his left. Although there are some bravado mixed with pride, their desire is tinged with a certain nobility.
- We want, we also follow the same path, we want to live up to the event. Christ challenges us: will we respond?

3. Serve with humility.
Jesus returns to first principles: humility. It is not honor, personal glory or recognition. In other words, it's not about me. This is to serve others. Whoever is really, this one is up to the event. Whoever works for the good of the community without seeking to be recognized is much fruit for all. (

Pray ...

- Pray for the Libyan people ...
- Pray for the 8 young people who will be confirmed next Sunday
Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies ...
- Pray for those who commend themselves to our prayers ...

"He who teaches good to others without doing
is similar to the blind man who would carry a lantern. "
(Algerian proverb)
" The human being is simple and grand at once.
It is a living being who has become confident in his abilities,
he just needs to love and be loved. "
(Jean Vanier)
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picture: a landscape ... Quebec - André Lavoie

Good day!


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