Church of Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies - Jean-Yves
"Come on, cry with joy for the Lord,
cheer our rock, our salvation!
Come to him with thanksgiving,
by our party anthems, hail him!"
(Psalm 94, 1-2 )
Saint of the Day:
Saint Aubin, bishop of Angers
"In a barbaric world and cruel, Aubin was full of charity, especially toward the poor and prisoners, which he strove to improve the situation. In the wake Third Council of Orleans, he worked to effective reform of the Frankish Church and became an advocate of marriage (+ 550)
Here's good news for today ...
The paradoxical for those who leave everything for Jesus
(Mark, 10, 28-31) - Peter began to say to Jesus: "Behold We have left everything to follow you. " Jesus said," Amen, I say to you, nobody will left, for my sake and the gospel, house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or land, without having received, at that time already a hundredfold: homes, brothers , sisters, mothers, children and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come life everlasting. Many first shall be last and the last shall be first. "
to guide our meditation ...
- Here Following is the text on the encounter with the rich young man ...
- Faith in Jesus setting will not go unrewarded ...
- Where is my priority in this consumer world? ... Is what I am congested in my property, in everything I have around me? ... What comes first ... when I get up in the morning ... when I go to bed at night? ... in the course of my day? ...
- If I put all the space in my day, my life in my property, I risk the disappointment ... the void ...
- And our emotional addictions? ... Is others can fill the hunger of my life ...?
- What fills our thirst and gives hello (the fullness of life) is God, my faith in Jesus ...
- God, first served in my life is going to balance my life ... It will give me the kingdom (the fullness of life, happiness ...).
- Jesus asks them a priority in my life ...
"The Church makes us contemplate, for the month of March, figure of Joseph,
this man of faith, humble and grand, available and attentive to God's purposes.
He is the righteous, the faithful servant, the guardian of Jesus and Mary. "
(Marc Rivest)
Pray ...
- Pray for the Libyans and the people of the Middle East ...
- Pray for those discouraged ...
- Pray for the elderly and suffer from loneliness ...
- Pray for the sick who are asking us to pray for them ...
- Pray for you ... - Pray for me ...
Here is a story gleaned from "That germ life" of Father Denis Lepage.
(You can visit by Denis Lepage: address listed in "My Links").
Surviving in the jungle
Here is a story gleaned from "That germ life" of Father Denis Lepage.
(You can visit by Denis Lepage: address listed in "My Links").
Surviving in the jungle
A pilot of the Second World War, Tom Harmon, told how his plane crashed in dense jungle and how he had little chance to survive.
In fact 25 other planes crashed in the jungle the same week but none of the pilots survived. Tom Harmon was the only one to return.
When reporters asked him how he explained his survival, he has surprised them by saying: "Prayer." He was even more surprised when he said: "I said at least a million "Hail Mary" As I walked through the jungle, trying to find a way out, I shouted the "Hail Mary" as hard as I could, hoping that someone would hear me. "
And he added: "If I had not had faith, I would never be out of the jungle."
Mark Link
Mark Link
the heart of our world
Our Blog ...
- Yesterday: 54 visits ... Thank you!
-present at least 21.187 page views ...
- We're a great community of Christians can pray together ...
- You can contact me, send me comments, photos or other ...
A comment received recently:
"I want to congratulate you again for your site! I started a team celebration around the word with an intern and your site feeds me." (JS)
Thanks also for the photos received and will spend one day to compliment the words and the Word.
- Address: jyfortin2@hotmail.com
Our Blog ...
- Yesterday: 54 visits ... Thank you!
-present at least 21.187 page views ...
- We're a great community of Christians can pray together ...
- You can contact me, send me comments, photos or other ...
A comment received recently:
"I want to congratulate you again for your site! I started a team celebration around the word with an intern and your site feeds me." (JS)
Thanks also for the photos received and will spend one day to compliment the words and the Word.
- Address: jyfortin2@hotmail.com
Good day!
God is Love
He claimed first place in your heart ...
God is Love
He claimed first place in your heart ...
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