Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Printable Thank You Cards For Coaches

- What do you want me to do for you? ...


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Photo: Patrice cuckoo. Thank you!
I flew over the islands of the Montmagny one day cuckoo 2 places: amazing!

Here is the Word of God for today ...

have faith ... See with eyes of faith ...

(Mark 10.46-52) - Jesus and his disciples came to Jericho. And while Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadside. Learning that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout: "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me! "Many people rebuked to silence, but he cried the louder," Son of David, have mercy on me! Jesus stops and says: "Call him. "It therefore calls for the blind, and he said: "Trust, get up and he calls you. The blind man threw his cloak, jumped up and ran to Jesus. Jesus said, "What do you want me to do for you? - Rabboni, I see. "And Jesus said to him:" Go, thy faith hath made thee whole. "Immediately the man began to see, and he followed Jesus on the road.

To help our thinking ...

- Children scream ... when they play, as they are afraid ...
- The adults cry sometimes: in sports, in union rallies and other ...
- When they cry, people are upset ...
- Bartimaeus cries ... It is there blind, poor on the edge of the road ... Jesus goes ... He asked for help.
- Jesus calls ... he is interested in him ... "What do you want me to do for you?" - It's obvious but ...
"Let me see." I want to see! ...
- And me ... Do I cry? ... The Lord goes on in my life can also do something for me ...
- "See! See clearly into my life ... "How to understand my life, my limits ... heal me ... live better ... be happier ...
And Jesus gave sight to the blind. ..
-It can also do something for me ... But I have to wonder ...

(reflection after the show "The Victory of the love "this morning ...)

Photo: Canopy in Ursuline Loretteville

Death ...
(Is what I can talk a little ..?)

- Death is not something that should be worrying ... It could be if I do not understand, if I do not know ...
- Death is something we have to tame ... because we will all die ... one day that we do not know ...
- Death is a passage ... Death makes me go from one life to another life more beautiful ... (Blessed are the faith) ...
- Death is sure it's something unknown ... but behind there are more beautiful and someone who is waiting for us ...
- Rediscovering faith is essential to understand death ... It's reassuring face of this passage is death to know that someone is waiting for me ...
- Let our faith in Him who loves us like crazy and who did everything for us: the establishment, the intelligence of men to continue the creation ... to find meaning in life ... All this can lead to NIL ...
- I wish you faith ...
- The God's mercy, she assured us if we put our hope in Him.

Photo: And this life ... that created it?
"If we want to escape this culture of discourse,
it is essential to build in us
the" Monastery of Silence. "
(Maurice Zundel)
"The most authentic the most beautiful and extraordinary
is one that recognizes the presence of God
in the humble lives. "
(Brother Yvon, abbot of Oka -
Now Monsignor Joseph Yvon Moreau,
Bishop of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière)

"We have the qualities we want. "
(Bernard Lazare)

Pray ...

- For the people of Libya ...
- For future confirmed Saint-Roch ...
- For patients ...

Photo: In the gardens of Louise
the heart of our world
Good day!
The gift of faith ... Ask the Lord to revive you ...

Our Blog ...

- Nearly 21,500 page views since March 11, 2009 ...
- Within 30 days ago had visitors from 44 countries.
- Yesterday there were 44 visitors ... - Thanks!
is a sign that people are hungry for spiritual life and the Word of God ...
is a invitaion to continue ...

Polyp Uterus More Condition_symptoms

- Can we follow him there? ...


Photo: provided to Andre Lavoie - St. Pachomius - Thanks!
Here's good news for today ...

Not always easy to follow ...

(Mark 10.32-45) - The disciples were traveling with Jesus up to Jerusalem, Jesus before them, they were frightened, and those who followed were also in awe. Taking again the Twelve with him, he began to tell them what would happen to him: "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, they will condemn him to death, they deliver him to the Gentiles, they will laugh at him, they spit upon him, and flog and kill, and three days after he will rise. "Jacques and John, the son of Zebedee, came to Jesus and tell him:" Teacher, we want you to hear our request. He said: "What would you like I do for you? They replied: "Grant us to sit, one at your right and the other at your left in your glory. "Jesus said to them:" You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink, receive baptism in which I'll be dipped? "They told him:" We can. He answers: "The cup that I drink, you drink, and the baptism in which I'll be dipped, you will receive. But to sit at my right or my left is not mine to grant, there are those for whom these places are prepared. "The other ten had heard, and they were indignant against Jacques and John. Jesus calls them and tells them: "You know: those that are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it their great ones make their authority felt. Among you there must not be so. Whoever wants to become great will be your servant. Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all: for the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many. "

To help our thinking ...

1. Shock therapy.
The words of Jesus shocked his disciples. They were both amazed and in awe, and probably confused it is also difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven. And yet, Mark, the evangelist, tells something wonderful: Jesus went before them. Yes, it is ahead of us. He leads us as a leader led his troops into battle. The fact that Jesus will suffer before they announced everything calms their fears.

2. Let us rise to the event.
Here we have an interesting scene. Jesus announces his coming passion and death. Realizing that this means that his kingdom is about to happen, and Jean Jacques make a strange request. Dazed, dazzled and fearful at the time, attracted by the road that will take Christ, they ask that they be allowed to sit one on his right and one to his left. Although there are some bravado mixed with pride, their desire is tinged with a certain nobility.
- We want, we also follow the same path, we want to live up to the event. Christ challenges us: will we respond?

3. Serve with humility.
Jesus returns to first principles: humility. It is not honor, personal glory or recognition. In other words, it's not about me. This is to serve others. Whoever is really, this one is up to the event. Whoever works for the good of the community without seeking to be recognized is much fruit for all. (

Pray ...

- Pray for the Libyan people ...
- Pray for the 8 young people who will be confirmed next Sunday
Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies ...
- Pray for those who commend themselves to our prayers ...

"He who teaches good to others without doing
is similar to the blind man who would carry a lantern. "
(Algerian proverb)
" The human being is simple and grand at once.
It is a living being who has become confident in his abilities,
he just needs to love and be loved. "
(Jean Vanier)
--- -

picture: a landscape ... Quebec - André Lavoie

Good day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sailboat Crashing Games

- The first in my life ...

B ello!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Church of Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies - Jean-Yves

"Come on, cry with joy for the Lord,
cheer our rock, our salvation!
Come to him with thanksgiving,
by our party anthems, hail him!"
(Psalm 94, 1-2 )

Saint of the Day:
Saint Aubin, bishop of Angers

"In a barbaric world and cruel, Aubin was full of charity, especially toward the poor and prisoners, which he strove to improve the situation. In the wake Third Council of Orleans, he worked to effective reform of the Frankish Church and became an advocate of marriage (+ 550)

Here's good news for today ...

The paradoxical for those who leave everything for Jesus

(Mark, 10, 28-31) - Peter began to say to Jesus: "Behold We have left everything to follow you. " Jesus said," Amen, I say to you, nobody will left, for my sake and the gospel, house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or land, without having received, at that time already a hundredfold: homes, brothers , sisters, mothers, children and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come life everlasting. Many first shall be last and the last shall be first. "

to guide our meditation ...

- Here Following is the text on the encounter with the rich young man ...
- Faith in Jesus setting will not go unrewarded ...
- Where is my priority in this consumer world? ... Is what I am congested in my property, in everything I have around me? ... What comes first ... when I get up in the morning ... when I go to bed at night? ... in the course of my day? ...
- If I put all the space in my day, my life in my property, I risk the disappointment ... the void ...
- And our emotional addictions? ... Is others can fill the hunger of my life ...?
- What fills our thirst and gives hello (the fullness of life) is God, my faith in Jesus ...
- God, first served in my life is going to balance my life ... It will give me the kingdom (the fullness of life, happiness ...).
- Jesus asks them a priority in my life ...

"The Church makes us contemplate, for the month of March, figure of Joseph,
this man of faith, humble and grand, available and attentive to God's purposes.
He is the righteous, the faithful servant, the guardian of Jesus and Mary. "
(Marc Rivest)

Pray ...

- Pray for the Libyans and the people of the Middle East ...
- Pray for those discouraged ...
- Pray for the elderly and suffer from loneliness ...
- Pray for the sick who are asking us to pray for them ...
- Pray for you ... - Pray for me ...

Here is a story gleaned from "That germ life" of Father Denis Lepage.
(You can visit by Denis Lepage: address listed in "My Links").

Surviving in the jungle
A pilot of the Second World War, Tom Harmon, told how his plane crashed in dense jungle and how he had little chance to survive.

In fact 25 other planes crashed in the jungle the same week but none of the pilots survived. Tom Harmon was the only one to return.

When reporters asked him how he explained his survival, he has surprised them by saying: "Prayer." He was even more surprised when he said: "I said at least a million "Hail Mary" As I walked through the jungle, trying to find a way out, I shouted the "Hail Mary" as hard as I could, hoping that someone would hear me. "

And he added: "If I had not had faith, I would never be out of the jungle."
Mark Link


the heart of our world

Our Blog ...

- Yesterday: 54 visits ... Thank you!
-present at least 21.187 page views ...
- We're a great community of Christians can pray together ...
- You can contact me, send me comments, photos or other ...
A comment received recently:

"I want to congratulate you again for your site! I started a team celebration around the word with an intern and your site feeds me." (JS)

Thanks also for the photos received and will spend one day to compliment the words and the Word.

- Address:
Good day!
God is Love
He claimed first place in your heart ...

Birthday Mother Arabic Greeting Cards

Democratic Republic of Congo, a fight for survival: Session dedication

Editions L'Harmattan and Gaspard Hubert LONS KOKO are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book


Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 19 h 00

At Espace L'Harmattan
21a, rue des Ecoles - 75005 Paris Métro Maubert-

Mutuality line 10

Bus 63, 86, 87, 89 In this

book, he talks about the roadmap for the DRC's third millennium. Indeed, a man of great faith and vision, Gaspard-Hubert Lons Koko convincingly trace the paths of a policy whose aim is daring - short, medium and long terms - peace, economic growth and social change. All proposals of the author based on four principles: Liberty, Equality, Security and Prosperity .

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Does Myammee Use?

Tradition and religion - 28.02.2011

Message education for prayer groups

"My beloved brothers and sisters,

It is certain that throughout history, men and women preferred to focus on human tradition, much more that the Word and Commandments of God.

The tradition of men is manifested by gestures and rituals of culture that are often linked with religion. For example, what are the religious holidays lose their meaning turning into pagan holiday, so you have the holiday known as Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Pentecost. It is a shame that people can ignore the origin of the names given to the holiday. Yes, it's so sad that men divide up the rules of the rite without leaving their heart open and let in by God.

Yet the Word of God through the rituals and cultural ceremonies because His word is eternal. His speech is intended to go directly to the heart of all men and they knew better paid, they would be more inclined to love God and therefore all men.

If the gestures and rituals may seem necessary and even indispensable to civilization, yet they lack the ability to save, or purify, let alone release. It is certain that all cultures and religions perform rites of purification. In some, they are bathing, washing of hands are needed for the body and can make people believe that once they purify even washed the body is apparently clean externally.

Generally, water washing but not purified by cons, once blessed is the Word of God who moves the action of water, so holy. And so it flows over you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In a word, the holy water must remember your baptism by which you are immersed in the death and resurrection of Christ.

Jesus proclaims that "Nothing that is external to the man who enters it can not defile. "You have to live in peace, for the impure is not with the world, customs and traditions, rites observed or not, but if you join, the impure can enter your heart. Thus, it is your responsibility to clean it with an examination of consciousness followed by a good confession may still remain because of misconduct evil thoughts, adultery, greed, and yet so many bad things.

Yes, it's in your heart that the Word of God cleanses and purifies. "Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow" Psalm 50 says that you should meditate. It is God who purifies and makes holy.

Think that in addition to prayer and the Holy Eucharist, you have the sacramentals such as holy water, incense and candles that are sacred rites instituted by the Church to obtain an effect of spiritual order.

That tradition of God, His Word of life that is given, which is transmitted to the life of God saves the world. Be certain that God loves men, all men and they have to convey His love.
Tradition of the Church transmission of the Word of God is the mission of each of you also have no fear to speak.

With your family from Heaven, in the Light of the Eternal Father, all love the Lord Jesus, His mother and brothers who are with me from heaven, we bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy mind.

John, your messenger of Heaven "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Electric Blunt Rolling Machine

- Is the property prevent me from moving forward? ...

B ello!

Monday, February 28, 2011
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"The family should be the first school of religion,
the first school of prayer. "
(John Paul II)
"Helping others
is still the best way to help yourself."
(Martin Gray)


Here is the Word of God for today ...

He went all sorts ...

(Mark 10.17-27) - Jesus put on when a man ran up to him, knelt down and asked, " Good teacher, What should I do to inherit eternal life? "Jesus said to him:" Why call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: Do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do no harm to anyone, Honour thy father and thy mother. The man replied: "Master, I have observed all these commandments since my youth. "Placing his gaze on him, he began to love it. He said: "One thing you lack: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and then come and follow me. But he, in these words, became dark and he went away sad, for he had great possessions. Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples: "How hard it is to those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said: "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. "More and more confused, the disciples asked them:" Then who can be saved ? Jesus looks at them and says, "For men this is impossible, but not for God, for everything is possible with God. "
To help our thinking ...

1. Do not only good but holy.
One of the biggest challenges we have in life is to cross the line from the goodness of holiness. There are many good people in this world, but there are few who are holy. The world needs the witness saints. They are the ones who plan to shed light on this world, dark and gloomy ...

2. Abandon all.
Why are we so strongly attached to material things of this world? They prevent us from making the definitive step that would lead us to holiness. Christ tells us to drop everything today. Detach your heart from worldly goods and attach it to Christ. You will then be filled with joy.
3. Follow Christ.

- Nobody has to make that mistake again. We should accept this invitation as Christ does to us all and follow him without hesitation. The road is narrow, it is not easy. He asks us to give him, follow him with all my heart, and we will be filled with joy and peace ...

Prayer Intentions ...

- Pray for the rich:
for their wealth not close their hearts ...
- Pray for those discouraged ...
- Pray for the terminally ill with cancer ...
- Pray for the young people attending a Christian journey of faith ...
- Pray for catechists ...
- Pray for peace in the world
especially on the African continent acuellement ...
- Pray for the Pope ...
- Pray for the bishops elected from Quebec and Amos ...
- Pray for you ... - Pray for me ...

Turning the page on my calendar "In the middle of the day a speech," I discovered a beautiful text I thought that you share ...

"To be happy, it is essential to capture her inner life, be able to support his wishes and choices on a foundation of trust, and find an area of freedom by rappoert expectations, judgments and flattery of others. The issue is simple but crucial. It is put on the new and becoming oneself: this masterpiece that there is only one copy. This is the invitation to which every Christian is called to respond.

When you look closer, perhaps now more than ever we need to regain the ability to believe that the God of the Christian faith calls us to a true fullness of life. "
Peter Charland
spiritual masters for today
"To love others, we must first love yourself,
be proud of what we do but mostly what we are. "
(Rosary Roy)

Photo: La Pocatière after sunset ...
the heart of the world
Good day!

Tendinitis From Breastfeeding

- Can you serve two masters? ...

B ello!

Photo: In the gardens of Louise
"You have one life.
So intensely screws, screws fully.
Life is beautiful, it's big, c is wonderful. "
(Jules Beaulac)
Here is the Good News of the day ...

What will we eat and drink? ...

(Matthew 6.24-34) - As the disciples gathered around Jesus, on the mountain, he told them: "No man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and Money. That's why I say: Do not make yourself so anxious for your life, about food or about your body, about clothes. Life is not worth it any more than food, and the body more than clothing? Behold the fowls of heaven, they do not sow or reap, they are not into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they? Besides, who among you, by worrying can prolong his life so little? And about clothes, why be so concerned? Observe how the lilies grow: they do not work, they do not spin. But I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more to you, men of little faith? Do not make so much trouble, do not say, 'What shall we eat? " or 'What shall we drink? " or: 'With what we wear? " All these things the pagans seek. But your heavenly Father knows that you need. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto. Do not get so worried about tomorrow: tomorrow will worry about itself, each day as it comes. "
To our thinking ...

No one can serve two masters.
- "Those who live in the flesh what is carnal desire, and those who live according to the spirit, which is spiritual. "(Romans 8:5) ...
- Both are opposed. A constant struggle is engaged within, between flesh and spirit. The One wants to dominate the other. "So I think a law is binding on me, when I want to do good, evil only comes to me. (Rns 7.21). Since the mind is against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit, one who thinks he can serve both kidding themselves.
- You can not serve two masters, because one that competes against the other ...
- Search first the kingdom of God.
- What benefit will we get if we care about this world, only to lose what is most important, our happiness in another world? What else is of importance if the kingdom of God? We are called to seek the kingdom, and to seek here and now.
- Seek the kingdom of God requires our best, but not overwhelming. This requires to always seek to do good and avoid evil. This requires resisting our attraction to material goods and worldly pleasures, and seek to become more and more like the Christ. When we act as we must, we seek the kingdom of God ...

Photo: birds of the sky ...
"Our shortcomings are the eyes through which we see the ideal ..."

concert last night at the Salle André-Gagnon

Doctors Musicians "

For the Hospital Foundation of Our Lady of Fatima inc.
The concert was under the honorary presidency doctors
Mary and William Bastarache.
The room was full (room capacity 650 seats).

This concert has reported a whopping $ 17.750
this amount will be spent to purchase equipment
to better serve the population of La Pocatière and vicinity.

Thanks to doctors and musicians to those who have surrounded
for their magnificent performance.
Thanks to Madeleine Sirois and Gagnon Gaston
who believed in this project and have worked hard to achieve it.
Thanks to Dr. Gaetan Levesque is the president of the Foundation.
Thanks population to have answered the call ...
We had an unforgettable evening.
the heart of our world
Good day!

Photo: eel fishing in front of La Pocatière

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bellspalsy More Condition_symptoms

- Keep Kids ... Give them a good education ...


Riverside, Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies - Jean-Yves

Here's good news for today ...

As a child

(Mark 10:13-16) - is presented to children for Jesus to touch him, but the disciples quickly pushed aside. Seeing this, Jesus got angry and said: "Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter. He embraced them and blessed them, laying his hands.

To help our thinking ...

1. Let the children come to me.
In today's Gospel we see Jesus' love for small children. He imposes his hands, kisses them, he prays for them. It is clear that their well-being to his heart.
The Church continues today to convey the Lord's love for the young. This love is expressed mainly through Christian education children. The family as a church home, has a fundamental responsibility in education to faith. At the heart of the Christian family that the child should experience the gift of faith in Jesus Christ.

2. "Do not hinder them."
There are many things in the world today that prevent children from knowing and loving the truth revealed by Jesus Christ. One of the most serious things that prevents young people to know Christ is the scandal. Jesus severely warned those who cause scandal: "If anyone causes one of her little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to be hung around his neck one of its wheels that rotate the donkeys and to be drowned at sea. " Mt 18.6).
Children should enjoy the Christian example of their parents, their teachers, civic and religious leaders and all those who hold positions of authority ...

3. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Jesus loves especially children because they represent purity and innocence of heart. Both are necessary conditions to enter the kingdom of God "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God! "(Mt 5.7)
Every Christian must strive to look like a child to attain holiness.

Camellias - Patrick and Bridget have taken yesterday in Britain, their future part of the country.
- Thanks for this spring that you provide ...
Good move!

"The bishops have received the ministry of the community to exercise
with the help of priests and deacons. (Lumen Gentium No. 20)
The diaconate, a different vocation and of its own:
men who have an authentic ministry
Aynat in family life, professional and social.
(Diocese of Paris)

From "Snow Persia" - home Bridget and Patrick, Britain. Thank you!

----- "There are secret ties between Mary and us. She loves us.
It leads us and tends to make each of us what we should be."
(R. Rondelet)
you ever happen to pray to Mary, to entrust to someone, or your problems?

"A diamond with some defects is preferable
a simple stone which does not.
(Indian Proverb)
the heart of the world

Our Blog ...

- People from 41 countries worldwide have visited this blog during the Last 30 days ...
- Over 20.800 pages of this blog have been open since March 11, 2009 ...

Good day!

Friday, February 25, 2011

South Park Fish Sticks Watch

- God is Love ... Do I try to emulate? ...


The sanctuary lamp in the center of spirituality in Loretteville Ursuline.

When there is the "Reserve" (consecrated hosts) present in the tabernacle,
it is a light that stays on the front, called the sanctuary lamp ...
"Just be, and you hear
Making the grace to be and to bless
You will be taken in the hymn of universe
you while you are to worship. "
(anthem - Liturgy of the Hours)

"Love is the only revolution that does not betray the man."
(John Paul II)
"What finally made our life is full,
is having had the chance to give thousands of oneself to others."
(Teillard de Chardin)
Here's good news for today ...

(Mark 10: 1-12) - Jesus arrives in Judea and Transjordan. Again, the crowd gathers around him, and again, he instructed them as usual. Some Pharisees approached him and put to the test, they asked: "Is it permissible to a husband to divorce his wife? " Jesus said:" What did Moses command you? " They replied," Moses permitted divorce his wife on condition of establishing an act of repudiation. " Jesus replied:" Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this law. But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. Because of this, a man leave his father and mother and cleaves to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. Thus, they are no longer two, but they are one. So, what God has joined together let no man put not separate! " Back at home, the disciples questioned him again on this issue. he answered: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. If a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery. "
To help our thinking ...

sensitive issue ...
This is not for us to judge the lives of others ...
This is not Jesus will condemn ...
Every Jew knew the law, it is a trap that the Pharisees him behind.
importantly, place ourselves in the context of 2000 years ago, the Jews ... and with the Pharisees ...
For Jews, only Jewish men could divorce their wives.
Jesus knows that the Mosaic law is discriminatory.
What did Jesus do? Jesus recalls God's plan.
Man and woman need each other.
In marriage, we give ourselves one to another.
recognizes Jesus the equality of men and women.
The gospel invites us to never judge ...
We, we have to be forgiving and be welcoming to people ...
For the rest ... the grace and mercy of God ... And God is Love.
I think we have to be "Love" also ...
An ornamental cabbages in the fall .
the heart of our world
Good day!