Sunday, February 27, 2011

Electric Blunt Rolling Machine

- Is the property prevent me from moving forward? ...

B ello!

Monday, February 28, 2011
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"The family should be the first school of religion,
the first school of prayer. "
(John Paul II)
"Helping others
is still the best way to help yourself."
(Martin Gray)


Here is the Word of God for today ...

He went all sorts ...

(Mark 10.17-27) - Jesus put on when a man ran up to him, knelt down and asked, " Good teacher, What should I do to inherit eternal life? "Jesus said to him:" Why call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: Do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do no harm to anyone, Honour thy father and thy mother. The man replied: "Master, I have observed all these commandments since my youth. "Placing his gaze on him, he began to love it. He said: "One thing you lack: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and then come and follow me. But he, in these words, became dark and he went away sad, for he had great possessions. Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples: "How hard it is to those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said: "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. "More and more confused, the disciples asked them:" Then who can be saved ? Jesus looks at them and says, "For men this is impossible, but not for God, for everything is possible with God. "
To help our thinking ...

1. Do not only good but holy.
One of the biggest challenges we have in life is to cross the line from the goodness of holiness. There are many good people in this world, but there are few who are holy. The world needs the witness saints. They are the ones who plan to shed light on this world, dark and gloomy ...

2. Abandon all.
Why are we so strongly attached to material things of this world? They prevent us from making the definitive step that would lead us to holiness. Christ tells us to drop everything today. Detach your heart from worldly goods and attach it to Christ. You will then be filled with joy.
3. Follow Christ.

- Nobody has to make that mistake again. We should accept this invitation as Christ does to us all and follow him without hesitation. The road is narrow, it is not easy. He asks us to give him, follow him with all my heart, and we will be filled with joy and peace ...

Prayer Intentions ...

- Pray for the rich:
for their wealth not close their hearts ...
- Pray for those discouraged ...
- Pray for the terminally ill with cancer ...
- Pray for the young people attending a Christian journey of faith ...
- Pray for catechists ...
- Pray for peace in the world
especially on the African continent acuellement ...
- Pray for the Pope ...
- Pray for the bishops elected from Quebec and Amos ...
- Pray for you ... - Pray for me ...

Turning the page on my calendar "In the middle of the day a speech," I discovered a beautiful text I thought that you share ...

"To be happy, it is essential to capture her inner life, be able to support his wishes and choices on a foundation of trust, and find an area of freedom by rappoert expectations, judgments and flattery of others. The issue is simple but crucial. It is put on the new and becoming oneself: this masterpiece that there is only one copy. This is the invitation to which every Christian is called to respond.

When you look closer, perhaps now more than ever we need to regain the ability to believe that the God of the Christian faith calls us to a true fullness of life. "
Peter Charland
spiritual masters for today
"To love others, we must first love yourself,
be proud of what we do but mostly what we are. "
(Rosary Roy)

Photo: La Pocatière after sunset ...
the heart of the world
Good day!


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