contempt - 08/02/2011
Message education for prayer groups
" My beloved brothers and sisters,
Under the light of the Eternal Father and with the infinite love of the Lord Jesus, and His Holy Mother of Heaven with the brothers that I the grace to be accompanied, I tells you that this message is a reflection of society today.
The dominant of any modern society is contempt, the feeling that prompts men to make no case for their next and all focus on themselves. Much of the contempt of his neighbor and expanded at country level is the consequence of riots and violence of the people who treated them harshly and treated as inferior beings. And the violence will spread more and more because the man is a wolf to man.
It is certain that sooner or later, it can happen to you have to sustain the behavior of people, who against their next mark of contempt. So listen well the tone of their voice, watch the expressions on their eyes and you'll understand their moral poverty if not intellectual. All this does not happen only on your workplace, but also in your environment, whether in your families, retirement homes and even in churches.
If people show contempt and think themselves perfect, it is sometimes against others, because of the color of their skin, their character, their life options, their ideas on various topics, disability, age, and finally what makes difference against themselves.
You are also easy to see that often, people who show contempt for their neighbors behave well in many other aspects. A bit like the Pharisee in the parable, they persuade themselves that they are examples, yet they should understand all the harm they may cause with respect to their neighbors. The fact
compare themselves to others is a sign of selfishness because they are more then before God. This is often the map appear they play, hiding what they really are. Love does not compare, compare is to judge and to judge is already no longer love. They should understand that God never considers appearances, but look at the hearts.
Being before God, asks to behave differently and this effort is to be done to develop attitudes quite contrary to contempt. This is beneficial to listen to each other, take your time to discern what is really at stake, what else can live and lived in the depths of himself and then perform an act of love with great delicacy. Yes, it's unbelievable to all those who doubt that God is Love and that by the way you behave.
In other circumstances, be before God is to be in solidarity with those who act for assistance to the poor, the helpless, the voiceless. And even better if you can attend to their actions in a concrete way. It is certain that you will suffer the criticism of people who you despise the fact that you act.
Praise the Lord for all who have helped you this certainty that God loves you and thanks to them become better. And for that to you they all had shown compassion and not contempt.
With your family from Heaven, in the Light of the Eternal Father, Lord Jesus, His mother and brothers who are with me from heaven, we bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your
Jean messenger from Heaven. "
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