Silence and Worship - 2/16/2011 On
Message education for specific groups of prayers
"My dear and beloved brothers and sisters,
Under the Light of the Eternal Father and all the love of the Lord Jesus and His Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, I address this message on all the benefits of silence and adoration.
You live in a society in turmoil dominated by the noise infernal continuous disclosure so full of surprises, which disturbs you and even acts negatively on your subconscious. For cons, silence allows the emergence of a new voice more soothing.
In the Bible, what you read or meditate is and always intimately bound to silence. For example, Jesus made a drawing in the sand when the adulterous woman may be stoned, and thus by his silence he breaks the cycle of violence.
Silence is usually a bulwark against violence. Also in your everyday life, it is essential that you stay calm and silent that you put into practice, especially when you feel verbally attacked.
Silence is anything but invisible, it becomes a presence, gesture, image. If speech reassuring, it can also be violence, against the silence is listening, that peace is wisdom.
The quality of silence does not depend on yourself because it is a gift from God. For this you have to prepare yourself by closing your mouth and in some cases by plugging your ears. And in particular by removing all your worries and all the images that you overstock.
Before the Blessed Sacrament silence is very promising. Understand that you face is not a simple thing that the host is white, but the Lord God is incarnate in all his sacramental presence, Eucharistic and real.
Realize that you are at the mysterious presence of God, that presence always real, God incarnate. For this reason you have the grace to worship and to reply.
To this end, the Adoration is complete obedience of the mind, heart, life, existence. In this contemplation will solve all problems and all difficulties will find it ironed out.
Stay well aware that the Lord of the world and history is both truly Lord of your personal history, what you really are.
And before his presence with the sublime you show your faith. It is by faith that you will reach it and receive it. Never forget that the Lord sees everything, knows everything and can not be any secrets between you and grant any relief and comforted.
Before the Lord you're alone and miserable and poor if virtues, so you so need His Mercy.
My beloved brothers and sisters in the love of Heaven, with all your kin, we bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
John, with all her love, your messenger of Heaven. "
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