Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Southpark Party Decorations

- Living in Truth ... - The song of life ...


Bunting Snow - Bernard Desmeules - Thanks!

Tuesday, February 8

Here the Word of God for today ...

The true worship

(Mark 7.1 to 13) - The Pharisees and scribes came to Jerusalem. They gathered around Jesus and saw some of his followers to take their meals with unclean hands, that is to say, not washed. - The Pharisees indeed, as all Jews, always wash hands thoroughly before eating, faithful to the tradition of the ancients and the return of the market, they do not eat until he had sprayed with water, and they are still attached by tradition to many other practices: washing of cups, jugs and dishes. - Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus, "Why do your disciples not they follow the tradition of the elders? They take their meals with unwashed hands. "Jesus answered them:" Isaiah has done a good prophecy about you hypocrites, in this passage of scripture: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. It is useless, they worship me, the doctrines they teach are only human precepts. You leave out God's commandment to cleave to the tradition of men. He also told them: "You indeed reject the commandment of God to keep your tradition. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother. And again: He who curses his father or his mother shall be put to death. And you say, 'Suppose a man tells his father or his mother: The resources that would have allowed me to help you is Corban, that is to say sacred offering. " You allow it to do nothing for his father or his mother, and you cancel the word of God through the tradition that you transmit. And you do many things like that. "
To help our thinking ...

- Jesus calls his disciples to the authenticity. Although the Pharisees show outward signs of holiness, the way they treat Jesus and others betray their true character ... Do I honor God lip but my heart says something else? Is there a consistency between the homage I pay to God what I say and my actions?

- True worship begins with humility, when the soul recognizes it has no property or by itself, but all she has good God ...
- How can I ensure that my fervent prayer is really, I turn to the Lord with the words of my heart?

- The Pharisees used the talents and gifts God has given them, not for the glory of God, but for their own personal gain, whether of praise and admiration or personal comfort and ease ...
- The true worship of God, who puts God above all, involves using things created by God as a means to achieve it ...

And yet ...
-Am was no little Pharisee in some of my habits? ...
-I may have my little laws ...
-Sometimes the attention focuses on laws that are completely outdated ...
"We must be careful to distinguish what is most important of which is insignificant ...
"The Lord is a judge who does not differentiate between men (humans)."
(Ben Sage Syrac)
"A song together in the night the scattered voices;
The Church davance
dawn and drove up to the Lord
The hope of the world. "
(Hymn of the breviary)

"Stand on the Lord
on the rock eternal. "
(Antiphon from the Song of Isaiah)
" Lord, you assure us peace;
in all our works, yourself acting for us. "
(Isaiah 26.12)
" Lord, Lord of life,
Pour out your Spirit upon the universe. "
"God continues to create the universe,
you wanted to associate man with your work;
look at the work we have to do;
it allows us to earn our living,
it is useful to those that we load
and serve to advance your kingdom. "
( Final Prayer - Breviary of this morning)


Lord, my God, watch over us.
Give us grace for today.
Make us walk the path of spiritual life.
Save those who seem lost ...
Bring all your children to you dispercés.
Be near those who are going to meet you.
Touche sick of your love.
Help us give bread - bread of the heart and soul -
to those who hunger for the presence and happiness.
Keep us in your love and peace today.

"Blame your friend in secret, praised him in front of others."
(Leonardo da Vinci)
"The length of life is irrelevant.
It is not long exist.
It's about living fully.
The number of years has nothing to do.
This does not exist or that age is finally desirable
but to live well. "
(Richard Bergeron)

Photo: Bernard Desmeules - Thanks!
the heart of our world
Good day!


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