A sunset view of La Pocatière, this time - Jean-Yves
Here is the Good News of the day ...
What pride can do ...
(Mark 6.14-29) - As the name of Jesus became famous, King Herod heard of it. They said: "This is John the Baptist is risen from the dead, and that is why he has the power to do miracles. "Some said:" The prophet Elijah. Others said again: "It's like a prophet of old. "Herod heard these words and said:" Whatever I beheaded John, he's risen! "Because it was he, Herod had arrested John and put him in prison. Indeed, he had married Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, and John told him: "You have no right to take your brother's wife. "1 in Herodias wanted John So, and she sought to have him put to death. But she could not do it because Herod was afraid of John: he knew he was a righteous and holy man, and he protected him and when he had heard, he was very embarrassed, and yet he loved hear it. However, a favorable opportunity presented itself lorsqu'Hérode for his birthday gave a banquet in his dignitaries, heads of the army and the notables of Galilee. The daughter of Herodias danced and made his entrance. She pleased Herod and his guests. The king said to the girl: "Ask me anything you want, I will give it. And he swore "Anything you ask me, I will give you, even if it is half my kingdom. She then went to tell his mother: "What I ask? "Herodias replied:" The head of John the Baptist. At once the girl hurried back to the king, and he made this request: "I want everything now you give me on a platter the head of John the Baptist. The king was deeply upset, but because of the oath before the guests, he did not he refused. He immediately sent a guard with orders to bring John's head. The guard went and beheaded him in prison. He brought his head on a plate 1a, gave it to the girl and the girl gave it to her mother. When John's disciples heard this they came to take his body and laid him in a tomb.
----- To help our thinking ...
- Although Herod was a cruel tyrant, Jean-Baptiste has not hesitated to condemn his conduct and adultery to expose his sin publicly. John was moved by the Holy Spirit to give witness and teach the people that nobody can violate legitimately the commandments of God, not even a king.
- John did not fear the consequences of his actions. He knew if he was faithful, God would be on his side and he would never let him down, even if it should suffer for the truth.
- Be brave, we too, in the testimony that we give to our family, our friends and society as a whole. When we do, God will be with us and we have nothing to fear.
- John did not fear the consequences of his actions. He knew if he was faithful, God would be on his side and he would never let him down, even if it should suffer for the truth.
- Be brave, we too, in the testimony that we give to our family, our friends and society as a whole. When we do, God will be with us and we have nothing to fear.
- Mark tells us that Herod, although he was offended when John was accused of adultery, "loved to hear." and "was very embarrassed." In his moral weakness, he persisted in his sin, yet the call to repentance of the prophet touched his conscience. Herod was in confusion. Something stirred in his conscience. the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart to take him to regret his sin.
- God never abandons the sinner, but gives grace to turn to him again. We must never lose hope for someone who seems to be lost and wandering in sin.
- continue to tell the truth with love and pray for its full conversion. God can change the heart of the most hardened sinners. He forgave us so much, and he can forgive others too ...
- God never abandons the sinner, but gives grace to turn to him again. We must never lose hope for someone who seems to be lost and wandering in sin.
- continue to tell the truth with love and pray for its full conversion. God can change the heart of the most hardened sinners. He forgave us so much, and he can forgive others too ...
- The Gospel tells us that Herod, in a reckless promise to the daughter of Herodias, and was compromised by fear of losing face, he ordered the beheading of John the Baptist . Here his moral weakness dominated the first stirrings of the grace of conversion. He closed his heart to God's action because of his greed and vanity, and he committed the terrible crime of murder of an innocent man.
- In a heart left to his own passions sin darkens the conscience and stifles the grace of God ...
Let us also ...
- I am also aware of other ...
- Pride can make us do stupid things ...
- In a heart left to his own passions sin darkens the conscience and stifles the grace of God ...
Let us also ...
- I am also aware of other ...
- Pride can make us do stupid things ...
Pray ...
- For those ones in the world, who thirst for freedom ...
"You live deep sorrow?
I welcome your sorrow and your prayer. "
(Psalm 6, 8-10)
" Lord, you forgiveness and kindness,
Full of love for those who are calling you. "
(Psalm 86, 5)
Pray ...
- For those ones in the world, who thirst for freedom ...
"You live deep sorrow?
I welcome your sorrow and your prayer. "
(Psalm 6, 8-10)
" Lord, you forgiveness and kindness,
Full of love for those who are calling you. "
(Psalm 86, 5)
" The great man's vocation is to serve
rather than domination. "
rather than domination. "
(Albert Einstein) -----
"The Church counts children among its enemies
and enemies among his children."
and enemies among his children."
(St. Augustine)
Horticultural Garden at La Pocatière last summer - Jean-Yves
"To be loved is to be consumed in the flame.
love is to shine a light inexhaustible.
era loved is to pass; love it last. "
(Rainer Maria Rilke)
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Photo taken at the Shrine of Fatima - La Pocatière
(Those who tend the grounds will recognize right away ...)
the heart of our world
Good day!
Thanks for being there!
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