Thursday, February 17, 2011

Infant Hole In Heart More Condition_symptoms

- whoever would save his life ... What is my life? A sum of money ...? ...


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Mallards - Bernard Lecomte (France) Thanks!

Friday 18 févriere 2011
Here's good news for today ...

What is my life ...?

(Mark 8,34-38.9,1) - summoned the crowd with his disciples, he said: "If anyone wishes to come after me must deny to himself, take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it. What advantage, indeed, a man is there to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? How much could he give in exchange for his life? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son Rights also will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the angels. And he told them: "Amen, I say to you, among those who are here, some will not experience death before they see the kingdom of God come with power. "
To help our thinking ...

1. The requirements to become a disciple.
Christ's invitation to be his disciple - "follow me" - implies in his footsteps in every circumstance of life: the times arid abandonment under heavy rain and stormy seas of my passions, amid clear blue skies and gentle breezes of days of calm, facing the thunder and lightning of persecution ...
- This means embracing the cross and carry it with love, every day climb to Calvary alongside Jesus. The cross is my boarding pass, the key to open the gates of heaven ...
- Before resurrecting, Jesus ascended Calvary and suffered the agony of the crucifixion, how do I want a different life than one who invites me to follow a friend? ...

2. The sacrifice and selflessness: the essential traits of a true disciple.
The original sin caused disorders that require us to regain verticality morality, and it is through the virtue of selflessness, which then has a healing effect on our fallen human nature. The effects of original sin, we tend to continually pull away from what we are called to be: children of light, children of God. But, as our God is great! As it is merciful! Jesus promises us that whoever loses his life for him and for the Gospel save it for all eternity! How wonderful it would introduce us to hear Jesus to God the Father on Judgement Day saying, "Father, here is my faithful friend."
3. Where is the treasure of your heart?
Jesus in the Gospel tells us that "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Mt 6, 21). He also warns, "No man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon. "(Mt 6, 24) ...
- My life is a gift from God and my life is basically a preparation for eternity with him in heaven. Letting myself be distracted by creatures, or by making myself the supreme good of my life, I put the Creator in his creatures below. My real treasure is in being a creature redeemed by God, a child much like him ...

A flower of China - Francois Boute - France Thank you!
Our intentions for prayer ...

- Hear, O Lord, our requests!
- For people who want their freedom ...
- For the poor of our community ...
- For parents who are expecting a child ...
- For those who commend themselves to our prayers ...
- For the people of Haiti that we might forget ...
- For a successful retirement deacons ...
- For you ... for me ...
"The worst fault is to ignore them."
(Publius Syrus)
the heart of our world
Good day!

Beautiful flamingos - Patrick Dubois (France) - Thank you!
(You're gonna make me jealous bird Quebec !...)

"Father is so right that he never condemns ,
because he knows the bottom of all our miseries.
He never gives to forgive. "
(Roger Poudrier)

Hairy Woodpecker - Anne-Marie and André Lavoie (St. Pachomius) Thanks!

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Thanks! Thank you! Thank you!
The Word of God made its way ...
Thanks for all the collaborations and all the encouragement received.
is an invitation to continue and persevere ...
Let us thank our God.
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