Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prescriptions For Bursitis

- Have salt in yourselves ...

B ON J O U R !

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American Robin (partial albino) - Rather rare ...
Bernard Desmeules - Thanks!



Here is the Word of God for today ...

What value do we have?

(Mark 9.41-50) - "And he that will give you a glass of water in the name because you belong to Christ, amen, I say unto you, he will not unrewarded. Whoever will drop one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better for him that attaches to the neck one of these wheels that rotate the donkeys, and he was thrown into the sea And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better to enter eternal life maimed than to be thrown with two hands into hell, where the fire is not quenched. If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better to enter into eternal life maimed than to be thrown with both feet in hell. If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better to go blind in the kingdom of God than to be thrown with two eyes in hell where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. For every man shall be salted with fire. It's a good thing the salt, but if the salt ceases to be salt, with what will you give him strength? Have salt in yourselves, and live at peace among yourselves. "
To help our thinking ...

1. You are priceless.
Jesus leaves us in no doubt. We value. We all have a dignity that God has given us. And this dignity is recognized and strengthened when we recognize his name. Each human being has an intrinsic dignity because it was created in the image of God. And this image of God is perfectly embodied in Christ, God made man. Also a baptized Christian - a servant of Christ - he gives a more perfect, that of Christ, in whom we are made children of God. It is not surprising that Jesus promises a reward to all those who serve us because of him!

2. Each of these little ones is priceless.
Porter's image is also a responsibility. We must behave according to that dignity and show others a life worthy of this image that we wear. Since this is a difficult task, Jesus assures us of his help; go against serious consequences. "The little ones who believe in me" naturally look to other Christians who represent Christ, his life and love. They may be small for their age, or the novelty or the immaturity of their Christian life or even their weaknesses in battle. We put a barrier on their way, we "scandalized" when our behavior makes them doubt or discouragement on how to live the ideal of faith. The "wheel" suggests that everything would be better for us than that. How my poor examples of damage caused to these "small" ! Too bad for them and for me! What can I do to prevent such a scandal? On the other hand, what reward awaits those who are special to the contrary, by setting a good example to these kids! If I loved "those little" even half as much as Jesus, would not it be easier to avoid setting a bad example?

3. Better to lose an eye, a leg ...
Today the value of things is judged by comparison with other similar articles: reserves, food, clothing, music and films are judged against each other. Yet some things have an absolute value, like that of a soul. Its value is incomparable ...
- Do I realize the value of my immortal soul, of my vocation to eternal life? If yes, what I show in controlling what makes me fall (and skip the rest ...)? How many times I prefer my "business" to those I love and who depend on the example I gave of Christ?
Pray ...

- For the Libyans who are fighting for their freedom ...
- For Peace in the world ...
- For patients who ask us to pray for them ...
- For people made vulnerable by their bad habits ...
- For vocations to marriage and religious life ...
- For those who are victims of earthquakes ...
(Haïti. .. New Zélance)
- For you ... For me ...

Church Baie-Saint-Paul (Tania and Bernard) - Thanks!
"Anyone who persists in biting a stone only succeeded in breaking his teeth."
(L.-P Jussieu)

--- "Learn to be patient with the faults of others,
for thou hast too much that others must bear."
(Thomas von Kempen)

Our Blog ...

(I say us include those who come to spend a few minutes of thinking).
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Good day!

De La Pocatière, looking north ... - Jean-Yves


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