Thursday, February 17, 2011

Herbal Remedies For Babies Phlegm

- "You are the Christ ."...


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Jay Gray - Bernard Desmeules - Thanks!
"True wealth is not what one has,
but what we give."
(Leo-Arthur Elchinger)

Here is the Word of God for today ...

"And you, what do you say ?..."

(Mark 8.27-33) - Jesus would went with his disciples to the villages in the region of Caesarea Philippi. Along the way, he questioned: "For people, who am I? They replied: "John the Baptist, others Elijah, others, one of the prophets. And he asked them again: "And you, what say you? For you, who am I? Peter spoke and answered: "You are the Messiah. He forbade them to speak so highly of him personally. And for 1a first time he had taught them that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and that three days after he revived. He said this openly. Peter, taking him aside and began to rebuke him for. But Jesus turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter: "Get behind me Satan! Your thoughts are not those of God, but of men. "
To help our thinking ...

1. Who do men say that I am?
What a strange question if you think about it. Jesus does not ask what they thought of his teaching ... He did not care to gain popularity. He wanted to know if the people of God recognized him for who he was ...
Either you believe that Jesus is Lord or not ...
If you believe that Jesus is Lord, then you must be a faithful servant and obey him.
If you do not listen to the truth of his message, you will only condemn you. Jesus was not lying, he was not insane.
He is, he was, and it will always be the Lord of life and history. Let's hear it!

2. The Son of Man must suffer. "
This course was difficult to accept for his followers ....
It is more difficult for Christians to fully understand the mystery of Christ's love, which was shown at the highest level on the wood of the cross ...
Not only Christ suffered and died for us, but he wants to suffer with us and accompany us through all the trials and tribulations of life ...
He wanted to become subject to all sorts of torture and suffering out of love for us that we really understood that our God will never abandon us ...
In other words no one can say, "God does not realize that I suffered" ...
God knows exactly what we experience; with him there is always hope and promise life. ..

3. Get behind me Satan!
is a stern rebuke. It shows how Christ takes its mission seriously. He would not let anyone get in the way of performing the work of our redemption ...
Jesus read in Peter's heart and he detected a lack of purity of intention in his words. That is to say that Peter did not feel as concerned about the well of Jesus by his own plans and dreams. Pierre was still hoping a reputation and a fortune down here. He probably hoped restoration of the nation of Israel, not to mention the fall of the Roman Empire!
Jesus meant that the purpose of his mission is clear. Christ's kingdom is not of this world.
It is imbued with faith and not strength. It is based on grace and not greed ...

main altar of the Church of Saint-Pascal Kamouraska - Jean-Yves

Side Chapel Church N .- D.-de-Bonsecours - L'Islet-sur-Mer - Jean-Yves
From the hymn this morning
(in the Liturgy of the Hours)

Bless him, he comes
The Lord our God!
We open our doors, do not be afraid!
For the Lord comes to us
It comes as the poor

Bless him, he comes
The Lord our God!
Let him who speaks.
Get out of error!
Give us the grace to listen
Christ of Promise
he cometh to redeem ourselves!

Bless him, he comes,
The Lord our God!
It shows all the humble
The face of the Saviour!
He shared the glory and power
That one day we can share with him.

Bless him, he comes
The Lord our God!
It gives sufferers and "eras"
The peace of the Good Shepherd.
He is gentle and humble of heart
His burden is light to wear!
And he leads us
Up Freedom!

Blessed be the Lord our God!


A flower of China - Francois Boute - France - Thanks!
is through our faith in Jesus Christ
we become righteous, not by our own merits ...
"Peace begins in the way we look at the other
whatever, wherever, in an outstretched hand,
a service, a caring attitude. "
(Andre Dupleix)
" Friendship is only meaningful if it is ready to prove by a sacrifice. "
(Sully Prudhomme)
"When we stop to listen, we cease to love."
(Michel Bouthot)
"Only with the eyes of others that we may well see its flaws."
(Chinese proverb)
"He who has eyes open its own faults
his soul will gain new strength. "
(Arabic proverb)
Deacons and Wives Retreat

As of Friday evening, deacons and wives
dioceses of Quebec and La Pocatière will retire
for the weekend
Center Ursuline spirituality Loretteville.

Prayer Intentions ...

- Pray for the success of retirement ...
- Pray for those who have just returned from God ...
- Pray for Guy Théberge, who died last February 13 ...
- Pray for the youth of La Pocatière to be confirmed Sunday ...
- Pray for the sick who commend themselves to our prayers ...
- Pray for countries seeking democracy and freedom ...
- Pray for the people of Haiti that we might forget ...
- Pray for you ... - For me ...
the heart of the world
Good day!


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