Saturday, February 5, 2011

Funeral Sympathy Quotes

- Salt and light ... For flavor and light ...

B ello!

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Ruby-throated Hummingbirds - Anne-Marie and André Lavoie (St. Pachomius)

Aujourd ' Today, 6 February, the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

"We are part of God's family. We are happy to gather around the Lord's table. He shares with us his Word and Bread of Life, so that our lives be illuminated his presence. We could and perform better and better the mission that Jesus entrusts to his disciples to be salt of the earth and light of the world. "
(the days)

Here's good news this Sunday ...

You are the salt of the earth and light of the world ...

(Matthew 5.13-16) - As the disciples were gathered around Jesus on the mountain, he told them: "You are the salt of the earth. If the salt denatures, wherewith he salt? It is thenceforth good for nothing: it is thrown out and people trample. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. And it does not light a lamp and put it under a bushel, they put it on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Also, let your light shine before men, then seeing what you doing good, they give glory to your Father in heaven. "
To help our thinking ...

readings this week have often Christ speaking to his disciples. Although more than two thousand years have passed since Jesus spoke those words, they resonate in our heart as the heart of his closest friends.
By his words, Christ has the power to change us, teach us, and inspire us to be saints and apostles convinced. It gives us the power to be those who bring the light of Christ to the world today, as his first disciples did in their time ...

The fries, steak or even a good salad had more flavor if you add a small pinch of salt. The analogy of salt in today's Gospel refers to our union with God. A real relationship with Jesus through prayer and the sacraments keeps our inner life 'salt 'So that we can be the salt of the earth ....

Speed reading the newspaper or look at the evening news reminds us of the darkness of our world today is still searching for his freedom ... As is true in some paarties the world right now! ...
Where is the light? Christ told his disciples, "You are the light of the world". Similarly, we are called to be a response to the darkness of the world today ...
- Maybe Today I will not have the opportunity to enlighten the world, but I can surely bring the light of Christ in my home, at work, at my school, supermarket and those I meet .. ..
today live so that "seeing what you're doing good, they give glory to your Father in heaven," and so we will be a light to the world around us. .. (From
"Faith, like love, is real and alive as if it connects us,
only if it tears us away from the only concern ourselves
to open ourselves to others. "
(In the middle of the day a word)

In the gardens of Louise the Last summer ... - Jean-Yves
Our prayer intentions ...

- Pray for the missionaries ...
- Pray for the youth to be confirmed ... Nowadays they
- Pray for the youth who will receive the first forgiveness tonight ...
- Pray for our sick ...
- Pray for Celine, which is recommended to John Paul II ...
- Pray for Guy who is terminally ill ...
- Pray for the bereaved ...
- Pray for you ... - Pray for me ...
"Love me as you are."
(Lord Jesus)
the heart of our world

the quay of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli last summer - Jean-Yves


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